Tag Archives: erotica

In Favor of Horror Fans Everywhere

I think most of us began as fearless children, the ones that wanted to jump the highest on the trampoline, swing highest, build a ramp and take it at top speed, sit on the edge of a cliff and looked down, rode the Cyclone as many times as they’d let us in a row(trust me it was a lot)… we set the bar high.

What separated us from the rest of the pack wasn’t a lack of imagination of the bad things that could happen with our stunts. To the contrary, we probably had the best imaginations of the horrors that could occur, we just didn’t let fear stop us. We didn’t let anything stop us. We ate that fear like it was sugar coated cereal on a Saturday morning.

While our friends cringed and covered their eyes, ours were wide open. We waited for that little terror to make us giggle and make us feel alive. We were the first to tell spooky stories by the campfire and approached Halloween with religious reverence. (Still the best day of the year)

We played out Horror movies in backyards and parks and got into character, complete with black trash bag capes and weird smelling leftover plastic Halloween masks. The thrill was everything.

And with classic horror movies like Nosferatu, The thing With Two Heads, Mars Needs Women, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Black Cat, Fall of the House of Usher, the Phantom of the Opera… we got hooked on the terror and the monster themselves. In the 1908’s we saw so many great monster movie remakes. They were brilliant and we were so ready for them.

Then came slasher movies like the Nightmare on Elm Street, Sleepaway Camp, Halloween. Puppet Master… How many of us bought that Freddy Krueger glove and sat in the movie theater for the third or fourth time scaring the wits out of unsuspecting people? Okay, I did but it was all in fun.

We’ve watch so many great vampire films like Near Dark, the Hunger, the Lost Boys, Fright Night… and laughed at so many cheesy ones like Modern Vampires, Vampire’s Kiss, Subspecies, My Best Friend is A Vampire, Vamp… while we were reading incredible books like Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire (we’ll chat about that movie later).

And we ate up movies with jump scares like Poltergeist, the Evil Dead, Pet Sematary, the Exorcist, IT, Cujo, the Descent, Hell House and others because we couldn’t get enough. It’s in our blood.

Highschool ended and I packed up my things (movie posters included) to take with me to college. The first day I went room to room knocking on every door trying to find all the horror film fans I could and I brought out my shoebox of vhs horror films and we sat and giggled our asses off watching them. They were also the same group that went to comic book conventions and got the very best vampire/monster/horror comics, some wrapped in brown paper for mature audiences only-but they got them all the same in vinyl bags with backboards or cruised the mall for the bookstores and read every scary word they could find. You know your people and where to find them.

Now we are streaming horror films and playing the audio in our cars or as ringtones on our phones and why not? It’s all in fun, right? Break out the popcorn for viewers in the back while we drive to the latest horror film, horror book signing, vampire convention, book store hunt, or other dark broody adventure.

So, in that same adventurous giddy horror bound spirit, I give you Autumn Ravenwood, our heroine in Desperately Seeking Vampire: Help Wanted Romance Series now available free on Amazon KU, for ebook or paperback purchase. https://www.amazon.com/Desperately-Seeking-Vampire-Wanted-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CLXV6GNG?

If your the choosy connoisseur and prefer a signed copy, those will be available directly from me at Vampires of New Jersey Convention on November 18, 2023 from 2p to 8p at QXT’s Night Club, 248 Mulberry St, Newark, NJ.

I think we’re going to have a fabulous day with lots of people in the horror movie industry, writers, vampires… who knows. You don’t want to miss it, so get your tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vampires-of-new-jersey-convention-tickets-655033150787

I’m going to be there and we’re going to have some fun, talk about horror films, books, comics… Promise I’ll keep the Freddy Krueger glove at home, so the scares will have to come from someone else this time (maybe).

Claire will be vending jewelry to die for and I’m going to have some kooky things like filled coffins, goodies, give aways, and we’ll also have Deserie Kelly’s Zodiac Shifters books.

What’s your absolute favorite horror film?

Halloween Happenings

New Book for Spooky October

Though I try and celebrate everyday, Halloween is extra special for me. I decorate, bake, make up goody bags with lots of candy, snacks, and prizes for my trick or treaters(sometimes overwhelming them with my costumed dog- Butler), but it’s all in fun.

In that same playful spirit, I am releasing my newest book, Desperately Seeking Vampire: Help Wanted Romance Series to Kindle unlimited and ebook on Amazon (link below the image)


Get your copy now and tell me what you think of it. Does it get you in the mood for some spooky fun?

So easy to get spooky!

I’ll be mixing up a batch of cocktails this evening, before I break out a bottle of Apothic Red Wine and my favorite NY aged cheddar. You can turn any drink spooky with a black olive stuffed cocktail onion. If you’redrinking adult beverages take and Uber or Lyft home and save that blood for a vampire.

Liquid Friday from the Beach

Sandy Hook- NJ

Today, I started my day by spending some time with the Perpetual Puppy and then heading out to see Blue Beetle. Overall a great movie- go see it if you can.

Still, my wandering heart wasn’t satisfied and I packed up half the crew and headed out to the beach. The sky was blue and the wind dragged sand off tiny pebbles, revealing hidden beauty.

Still more treasures were unearthed and I was shown shells of every color and size by the minions and the Mr. But the beach had one final treasure in store for me, a miniature library full of books and magazines. I’ll be dropping off copies of my books for eager readers, becuase everyone should have something to read on a long beach day.


I’ll be heading home for a cocktail (recipe below) and listening to Neil Gaiman on Audiobooks on the way.

PIÑA COLADA RECIPE: adults over the legal drinking age and responsible enough to not drive only please.



Fill a tall glass with ice. Blend your ingredients and pour over ice. Garnish with a piece of fresh Pinapple and maraschino cherries. Just Yum!

Double, triple, or just make a pitcher for sharing with company- even a hit in the winter.

Have a great Friday!

Freebie Friday!

It’s Mardi Gras and we couldn’t be happier! We’re making enough sweets and treats to keep us busy until Fat Tuesday(shrove Tuesday), but rather than give you a recipe, we’ve got a FREE ebook short story for you today on Amazon.

Just click the link below to download your copy (this weekend only) and get you in the Mardi Gras mood. Relax with a nice chicory coffee and some warm beignets or a slice of King’s Cake. Pick your favorite jazz artist from Louisiana and enjoy our short story.


If you enjoyed King of the Mardi Gras, leave us a review and check out our other books. Our All Tied Up In Knots series has 2 full books and 6 short reads- perfect to keep you busy between Mardi Gras parties.

Laissez les bons temps rouler. 🎺 (Let the good times roll.)

Virgin Hurricanes and Mardi Gras Happenings

We’re past the middle of Dry January 2023 and two weeks into Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans. What better time to mix up a batch of Virgin Hurricanes and check out the parade?

To see this year’s parade route, click on the link below. Recipe to follow.


Virgin Hurricane Recipe-


  • 2 cups Passion Fruit Juice
  • 1 cup Orange Juice
  • 1 cup Pineapple Juice
  • 1/2 lime to 1 lime depending on taste
  • A generous pour of Grenadine syrup for that lovely color
  • Lemon lime soda of your choice- diet is ok, but remember that fruit juice has lots of carbs
  • Ice
  • Garnish: orange slice and cherry, lime if you like it tart


  • Mix fruit juice in pitcher (recipe can be doubled) add half the lime and more if needed
  • Add grenadine syrup for taste, sweetness, and color
  • Set mix aside- grenadine will settle so make sure you mix just before pouring into glasses
  • Fill Hurricane glasses with ice
  • Pour glasses 2/3 to 3/4 full with fruit juice mixture
  • Add lemon lime soda to thin juice, stir, garnish, and serve

Your guests will have so much fun watching the parade with these mock-tails they might even forget there’s no alcohol in them.

Don’t forget to read King of the Mardi Gras: A Short Story From Eden’s Garden and Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler (let the good times roll).

King of the Mardi Gras: A Short Story From Eden’s Garden https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079WJGTC7?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_0C3FZZN11XBYTYARGCXJ

Knot A Criminal

Tonight’s featured book is Knot A Criminal from Eden Freed’s All Tied Up In Knots Series. Scroll down to see tonight’s cocktail and a note from the author, herself.

Holly is on the run from the past that involves a double homicide. She has no recollection of the events and wants to keep it in the past for a reason, she might just be the killer.
Focusing on the future has Holly hopeful to learn pyrotechnics from a master of more than one skill. As she begins to fall for him, her past starts catching with her. Now, she is torn between her desire for love and the fear of what she might be capable of.

From Eden-

I’ve always considered myself to be a people watcher., but at best you only observe a small piece of their story. Imagination has to fill in the gaps. Could the people a few feet away from you in a shopping center be a couple in love, people going about their daily routine, spies, or aliens… whatever they are is left up to the flights of fancy your mind wants to take you on, no basis in reality required. Often we draw our own conclusions based on our own real world scenarios, hopefully none of them involve aliens, but I won’t judge either way.

The hardest thing to do is get people to stick to each other like magnets and if you’ve ever tried to fix up two of your friends or associates, you know what I’m talking about. You might push them in the right direction and find out their poles didn’t align and they just bounce off of each other. I do the same thing when I write, seek out the couples that need to flip around until they just fit right and connect in a way that is meaningful and lasting.

Knot A Criminal is the second full length BDSM novel in the All Tied Up In Knots Series. A little mystery, a lot of kink, and some New York excitement all go into making this book an interesting read. I hope you enjoy Holly and Johnathon’s adventure as much I did writing their story for you.

Excerpt from Knot A Criminal

“It was my fault. I shouldn’t have bragged that I could do it blindfolded with my hands behind my back. I didn’t expect him to take me up on it.” From a distance DJ Sean smiled at Crystal and gave a little thumbs up while picking up the coffee.

“Do exactly what blindfolded?” Crystal stood up. Her expression changed from one of curiosity to vexation. The sound of her knuckles cracking told me everything. She was getting ready to stomp over to Mr. Riley’s and let all hell break loose.

“Calm down, just the balloons,” I said and motioned for her to sit. “I made a death’s head moth and an owl.”

“Next time tell me that first. I was about to go open up a can of whoop-ass on him, boss or no boss. To think of everything that I went through to set it up so Johnathon would play you right after the interview, I’d have to go over there and stomp him into next week if this didn’t work out,” Crystal said.

“You didn’t!” I exclaimed.

“The hell I didn’t,” she laughed. “Remember when you were with Paul, how you said that you submitted an application for an interview with Johnathon Riley. I nearly pissed myself. Johnathon and I had a nice conversation about you. I never gave him your last name, so he wouldn’t know you from any other Holly on the street. Then, I made him wait until I was certain you had an interview for the job. No harm in keeping a man waiting.”

“That’s illegal at the very least, isn’t it?”

“Where you see legal issues, I see opportunity…”

Hypnotic and Absinthe make this cocktail dazzling

Tonight’s Steampunk Themed Cocktail: Blue Skies Ahead


1 ounce Absinthe

2 ounces Hypnotic- one of my absolute favorite’s to mix cocktails with

1/2 ounce sour mix

2 ounces 7-up

slice of starfruit and green cherry garnish

Fill half a glass with ice and pour in the ingredients (add the soda last for a little fizz), garnish with slice of starfruit and green cocktail cherry. It’s a simple drink with a great presentation. Remember: Drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive. Be safe and have fun.

Get Your Kindle App Ready & Join Us For Our Fat Tuesday Free eBook Promotion

Tomorrow we’ll be eating Pączki (traditional Polish doughnuts) sipping Hurricanes, and celebrating the last day of Mardi Gras. We’re including you in on the fun with a FREE download of King of the Mardi Gras: A Short Story From Eden’s Garden, available FREE on your Kindle App Tuesday 03/01/2022 for one day only!

Hurricane Cocktail- a rum lover’s favorite

Classic Hurricane Recipe:

2 ounces of light rum

2 ounces of dark rum

3 ounces of passion fruit juice

3 ounces of orange juice

2 tablespoons grenadine syrup

1 tablespoon lime juice (about 1/2 lime)

shake and pour into a hurricane glass filled with ice

garnish with orange slice and a cherry and serve

And while you enjoy this drink, check out the fun FREE (only on March 1st) short story below:

Excerpt: “My entire body shuddered remembering how he made me cry out with pleasure. I would never get enough of Duke Alexis, not ever, but I couldn’t keep him. With a title came expectations, duty, and obligations for nobles that interfered with little things like love.

Short Knots in a Twisted World

Hello my friends, welcome back to my Liquid Friday.

Before we jump into a book, we need to grab something strong enough to handle this kind of excitement. so how about:

A Painkiller


Ingredients: 4oz Rum, 3oz pineapple-orange juice, 1oz crème de coconut, ice, nutmeg and toasted coconut for garnish (optional) Directions: In a cocktail shaker, combine the rum, juice and coconut with ice. Shake vigorously to mix, then pour into a cocktail class. Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.

You got it! Great!!! As you start slowly sipping it, begin to feel its effect spreading throughout your body, But wait, before you give yourself entirely to its delight, lets talk about our book.

In the All Tied Up In Knots series we have a few short reads, ideal for brief interludes with books or the Kindle app.

#2. Knot A Geek is a flirty little quick read about two geeks working in a high power Electrical Engineering lab.

#3. Knot His Superior is a quick read with kinky love triangle where rank has nothing to do with a uniform.

Next week we’ll be talking about the second full length novel in the series – a little mystery, a little kink, and a lot of sexy romance.

All about Knot An Actress- book 1 in the All Tied Up In Knots Series

A young aspiring actress, majoring in Theater Arts in her last semester of school, must overcome mediocrity and learn to take direction in time to be discovered by a talent scout during her final performance. Her new acting coach decides to teach her direction through a non-conventional method: introduction to BDSM. Will Violet have what it takes to learn the art of role playing or will she end up on the casting couch?

Why did I write the work? Life takes us on many twists and turns and in mine I have worn more hats than a the mad hatter. I’ve been a donut froster, short order cook, dos programmer, website creator, entertainer, boo-boo kisser , IT instructor, puppy mom, and even a nose for a brief period of time- though a good bottle of wine, figs, and excellent cheddar still gets me. We’ve all struggled in some way and I, through my writing, embrace the struggle. Women in acting careers have changed the moniker to actor becuase of the difference in treatment between male and female performers. I’ve been propositioned, grabbed, and manhandled as an professional entertainer, so I get it. Sometimes you just need to live the part for a while to get through it, and sometimes you fight back.

I hope when you read this, you find cause to smile and remember the power of naivety, and some kink. Live the part!

This may be my biggest blog yet!

All eight books in the All Tied Up In Knots Series are finally available on Amazon! here are the links:

Knot An Actress: (Formerly Violet Blooms) (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S3XYZLT/

Knot A Geek (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S6JLBCX/

Knot His Superior (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGC5M2S/

Knot A Criminal (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGHM2CH/

Knot Daddy’s Girl : Formerly: Sweet, With a Hint of Kink (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SHZ3LD3/

Knot A Photographer: Formerly: The Picture of My Heart (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGCLW8W/

Knot A Bunny: Formerly: Rope Bunny (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGCGP2H/

Knot a Princess (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FVN81Y6/