Tag Archives: Drinks

Liquid Friday on Location

We’re privileged to be at Brook Hollow Winery this evening for an author meet and greet.

I’ve got a glass of the Rose, a perfectly grilled hamburger, and my bestie Dimitri for company. He hasn’t written anything this time but my vampire book is turning pages as we listen to John Cain singing.

We’ve been waiting all year to come out for this event and we hope you can make it. Deserie Kelly’s Zodiac Shifter trilogy and a Sci-fi book will be available in limited quantities. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, why not get a signed one for yourself and a friend?

Come for a wine tasting and stay for the books!

Come joins us for music, stories, and lots of amazing reads!

I’ve heard from Dimitri himself that he will have balloons courtesy of MoonOnTheWater Entertainment so bring the kiddies.

Enjoy your Friday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

I’m going back to my Rose and the other authors. Ciao.

Happy Mardi Gras

This week is so filled with celebrations, I want to take a moment and wish everyone Happy Mardi Gras, Happy Lunar New Year, Happy Valentine’s Day, and more. There is also a special birthday on Valentine’s Day, so happy birthday Claire- hope it’s the best yet!

If I missed any of our reader’s birthdays, I hope it was amazing and you had lots of fun.

Enjoy this last week before the Christian Lenten season begins and people turn to more spiritual pursuits.

During lent I look for organizations to work with either through sponsorship or stewardship to help out those in need, local and abroad. Since the troublemaker and I wear many hats that can mean entertaining for charitable walks, food pantries, fundraisers… or donating to some local charities or people in need.

For this weekend, however, I’m going to some festivals and parties. I’ll be making some hurricanes (see my 2023 blogs for the recipe and make them at home or somewhere you don’t need to drive to, just to be as safe as possible) and some gumbo for one party and spicy chicken skewers for the other.

I’m also stopping by a Super Bowl party with some treats. I don’t know who you want to win this Super Bowl Sunday, but I’ll be watching and then continuing with festivities for Mardi Gras and the Lunar New Year.

Then, just when the week is going to start and you think there would be a break to settle down, blam!!! I’ll be making chocolate covered everything for Valentine’s Day (candied orange rind, strawberries, marshmallows, and pretzels).

All scheduling aside, I find myself working at lightning speed on my pursuits because I live day to day with an autoimmune disease that can shut me down for a week or two at a time. If I seem a little maniacal it’s only because I know I am racing the clock to get things done before something like pollen, perfume, dairy, or weather forces me to take a break.

I find myself planning things just to keep motivated, not that I need the extra work with a house full of imps that drive me bonkers and the cutest dog in creation, but still… I feel like Alice In Wonderland some days with one pill that makes me feel smaller and another that makes me feel bigger. Better living through chemistry has its moments. I’ve had undifferentiated autoimmune disease for about 14 years since diagnosis (probably an additional 14 years living with it before the doctor discovered what it was) at this point and sometimes I need to just live through my stories because the body won’t cooperate regardless of what potion I drink or eat.

We all have things we work through and I know it can be hard at times. I find something wonderful and go with it as long as I can. A supportive partner or friend is also a game changer, and sometimes if all you can have together is misadventures remember to laugh about it.

On the plus side, Spring is on the way. A few conspiring rodents decided it, so let’s just go with that.

Some goodies for our readers-

Don’t forget these two treats are available on KU for a limited time and are also at a special price for download or paperback.

King of the Mardi Gras: A Short Story From Eden’s Garden https://a.co/d/3AbiBmK

Desperately Seeking Vampire: A Help Wanted Romance (Help Wanted Romance Series Book 1) https://a.co/d/02rPlny

So have a happy!


Hello my friends, today we will welcome back K.M. Fawcett, author of Small Town Wilde Romance Book Series and will focus on Wilde Christmas: A Candlewood Falls Novel; book 2 in the series. But first let us kick back and relax with her favorite drink, which as you will find out soon is super appropriate for this season.

Here is a word from K.M. Fawcett:

Thank you for inviting me to the blog today!

I’m happy share one of my favorite drinks during the winter months and especially around the holidays—spiked peppermint hot chocolate. I love this drink so much that it made its way into my holiday small-town romantic suspense, Wilde Christmas. Bed and breakfast owner Lacey Wilde makes this for wounded warrior Dean Hunter while wrapping gifts together in her kitchen during a pivotal scene in the book. Wilde Christmas is free until the end of the year. Enjoy the story while sipping on a delicious spiked peppermint hot chocolate!


2 cups milk (skim, 2%, or whole)
4 oz bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 oz peppermint schnapps
1 oz cream de cacao (optional)
whipped cream (for serving)
candy canes (for serving)


1) Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.
2) While milk is heating, microwave chopped chocolate for 30 seconds. Remove chocolate and stir. Repeat microwaving and stirring the chocolate until it’s just melted. 
3) When the milk reaches the scalding point (180ºF with bubbles on the side), turn off the heat and add the melted chocolate, whisking to combine.
4) Serve hot chocolate in glasses fortified with a jigger (1.5 oz) peppermint schnapps or peppermint schnapps and creme de cacao. (I used 1 oz of each)
5) Top with whipped cream and crushed candy cane pieces on top. Add a candy cane to stir.


K.M. Fawcett

Now that we got our drink, let’s dive into the books.

Wilde Christmas

As Lacey Wilde works to open her bed-and-breakfast in time for Christmas, she meets Marine veteran Dean Hunter — who claims her adopted military working dog is his! Can Dean and K-9 Remi protect Lacey from a mysterious threat? A suspenseful small-town romance to warm up the holidays.

And here is some more info about our wonderful guest K.M. Fawcett:

Whether her romances are set in a charmingly quirky small town or on a dangerous alien planet, award-winning author K.M. Fawcett writes emotional stories featuring underdogs and fish-out-of-water characters who find their place in the universe. She believes in happy endings, that humor is food for the soul, and that if true love can’t conquer it, then it probably deserves a good throat punch.

K.M. and her husband—the inspiration for all her heroes (and some of her villains)—own a dojo in NJ, where they teach Okinawan karate and weapons. Incorporating two decades of martial arts experience into her stories, she forges resilient, timeless characters who aren’t afraid to fight for the life and love they deserve.

Become a member of K.M.’s lively reader community by signing up for her monthly newsletter and joining her Facebook Readers Group.

Halloween Happenings

New Book for Spooky October

Though I try and celebrate everyday, Halloween is extra special for me. I decorate, bake, make up goody bags with lots of candy, snacks, and prizes for my trick or treaters(sometimes overwhelming them with my costumed dog- Butler), but it’s all in fun.

In that same playful spirit, I am releasing my newest book, Desperately Seeking Vampire: Help Wanted Romance Series to Kindle unlimited and ebook on Amazon (link below the image)


Get your copy now and tell me what you think of it. Does it get you in the mood for some spooky fun?

So easy to get spooky!

I’ll be mixing up a batch of cocktails this evening, before I break out a bottle of Apothic Red Wine and my favorite NY aged cheddar. You can turn any drink spooky with a black olive stuffed cocktail onion. If you’redrinking adult beverages take and Uber or Lyft home and save that blood for a vampire.

Liquid Friday with Declan Conner, author of A Climate Change and AI Doomsday trilogy

Hello my friends, today we will meet Declan Conner, author of three awesome books (among others he has written):

Oh, did I mentioned it is a Trilogy… Oh well! Don’t let me get ahead of myself. First we need to pick a drink for this fine evening. So let’s ask Declan if he has any suggestions.

Declan: “Here’s an unusual drink that I discovered in my youth that has a sweet and sour velvety texture. The name of the drink is aptly named Black Velvet. For some reason, it is also called a Snakebite. Concocted to mark the death of Queen Victoria, that historical fact has somehow been lost. The drink is made up of half stout (Guinness) and half champagne, but it is more common the substitute the champagne with cider. it’s usually served in a pint glass so it’s not usually a ladies choice. For the ladies, it could be shared in half pint glasses.”

Now that we got our drink, lets dive into the books.

The entire trilogy is set in the USA, after a climate change drought spanning thirty years has all but destroyed the population. With the constitution long dead and the states fragmented, the ruthless president presides over what is left of the Union, its citizens living in domed citadels.

The only other survivors live off the grid in the wastelands, clinging onto life. This is the story of one such survivor, Jack Cole, whose family is taken by the Denverines as breeding stock for the citadel of Denver, and his lethal journey begins in an effort to rescue them.

This will not be his only challenge. In a world where you can trust no one, death is around every corner and your own worst enemy can be your own psyche. Dragged into a power struggle, he finds himself defending the Union against The Protectorate of Texas, run by AI technology with a conscious agenda. If he fails, humanity will be lost forever in favor of Artificial Intelligence computer algorithms and robotic machines.

Check these fantastic books… only 99c each, for a limited time on Kindle

And here is some more info about our featured guest author and connoisseur of “Black Velvet” cocktail Declan Conner:

Declan lives something of a nomadic life, traveling between Brazil, Portugal, and the UK. Over the last 12 years, he’s published 14 books, mostly thrillers. Besides authoring, he also has a passion for music and his guitar is never far away for the times when writer’s block rears its head. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen too often. More recently he has taken to writing speculative fiction as thrillers set in a future on Earth, fascinated from “what if” scenarios, when considering current disasters, AI, and climate change, and what that could mean for the individuals psyche, not to mention society if taken to extremes.

You can check him out also right here on WordPress at : https://declanconner.wordpress.com/

Liquid Friday from the Beach

Sandy Hook- NJ

Today, I started my day by spending some time with the Perpetual Puppy and then heading out to see Blue Beetle. Overall a great movie- go see it if you can.

Still, my wandering heart wasn’t satisfied and I packed up half the crew and headed out to the beach. The sky was blue and the wind dragged sand off tiny pebbles, revealing hidden beauty.

Still more treasures were unearthed and I was shown shells of every color and size by the minions and the Mr. But the beach had one final treasure in store for me, a miniature library full of books and magazines. I’ll be dropping off copies of my books for eager readers, becuase everyone should have something to read on a long beach day.


I’ll be heading home for a cocktail (recipe below) and listening to Neil Gaiman on Audiobooks on the way.

PIÑA COLADA RECIPE: adults over the legal drinking age and responsible enough to not drive only please.



Fill a tall glass with ice. Blend your ingredients and pour over ice. Garnish with a piece of fresh Pinapple and maraschino cherries. Just Yum!

Double, triple, or just make a pitcher for sharing with company- even a hit in the winter.

Have a great Friday!

Liquid Friday on Location (Birthday Edition)

I’m here with some friends (21 and over crowd) at Brook Hollow Winery for some live music by Rich Ortiz, a glass of Rose (my company is enjoying a pitcher of cranberry raspberry wine slushy), some snacks provided by the food truck(try their mac and cheese- excellent) and majestic views despite the rain.

Everything is so lush and green in the vineyard and the surrounding hills are flocked out in summers best while a dense fog covers the caps. The ground is wet, so I’m not expecting to see fireflies on St. Andrew’s Eve, but the quiet soft noises of evening fill the space as the light wanes.

Whoever you’re with on your birthday, wherever you are, make every moment special.

Liquid Friday on Location at Brook Hollow Winery

Tonight our Liquid Friday Blog is on location at Brook Hollow Winery. In just a week this lovely and scenic winery will host Roz Lee’s A Day or Two of Wine Romance and More- book fair. We’ve eager attended her events as they are spectacular turn outs.

A glass of wine and a wonderful view

This year is a multi-genre event, so stop by, visit the authors, have a wine tasting and a glass of wine and buy a bottle for home. I’m drinking the rose tonight and enjoying the peace and scenic views with my editor, who knew?!

Ally Brown

As I start my second glass of wine, I’d like to take a moment to remind you to support your local authors. Hours and tears go into each and every book, and unlike AI writing you can get hooked into a series. I generally take three months to write a book and six to edit it. We now have more than ten works published (2 full books and eight quick reads). Do take a look at them and let me know what you think. I love, love, love feedback from my readers and you always make me smile. The link is below.


If you haven’t checked out the other authors I’ve hosted, you’re in for surprises. Roz Lee is a favorite of mine and she has multi genre work I think you’re going to love. Link is below.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope your Liquid Friday is splendid. Chat you up next week.

Guinness Chocolate Cupcakes

Happy St Patrick’s Day. We’re making cupcakes.

St. Patrick’s Day falls on the same day as my Liquid Friday blog this year, so there will be enough green beer and silly cocktails to keep you busy. To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we’re going to make a batch of cupcakes. Since it falls on a weekday and I’m up to my eyeballs multi-tasking, we’ll use a boxed mix and keep it simple and flavorful. I’m tossing my corned beef in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots, cabbage wedges, and some peppercorns, so I can keep my oven free for baking.

Let’s get started.

Grab you favorite green cupcake liners and heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, we’re baking.

Cupcake Ingredients:

  • 1 Box chocolate cake mix (I use Duncan Hines but really any brand will do)
  • 1 1/4 cup Guinness to replace the water portion on the box
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup canola oil (yes, you can still substitute 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup applesauce for oil for lower fat cupcakes)

Before you put liners in your favorite cupcake tin, sprinkle some rice in between. This gives you a little air cushion so you have the perfect bottoms on your cupcakes. If you decide to skip the liners, grab two 9″ cake pans and fill equally for a chocolate cake that will make you lick your lips. Once your done baking, save the rice to reuse next time.

Mix wet ingredients and slowly whisk in the box mix until smooth. Pour 1/2 to 2/3 full into cupcake liners and bake at 350 degrees for 18 to 23 minutes (they’ll spring back when you touch them or a toothpick will come out clean).

While your cupcakes are baking its time to make the frosting. If you used a red velvet chocolate cake mix use the doctored cream cheese icing mix at the bottom of the page, otherwise mix up a batch of Bailey’s Flavored Buttercream(recipes below).

NOTE: If you’re serving children omit alcohol from icing-most alcohol will cook out in the oven for the cupcakes, but we don’t bake the icing, so just omit the alcohol.

Bailey’s Flavored Buttercream icing

2 sticks butter (8oz total) softened

1 1/2 to 2 cups powdered sugar

1-2 teaspoon(s) vanilla sugar (blended sugar and vanilla bean)

3 Tablespoons Bailey’s Irish Cream Liquor

Hand or machine blend until smooth and fluffy. Put in a pastry bag and decorate cooled cupcakes. Top with sprinkles, party picks, or shaved chocolate.

Jameson Black Barrel Cream Cheese Icing

1 stick butter softened

1 package (8oz.) Phili Cream Cheese

1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

2 cups powdered sugar

3 Tablespoons Jameson Black Barrel Whiskey

Since you have some liquid in this recipe, you won’t need any milk. If, however you omit the alcohol, add 1-2 Tablespoon milk.

Blend until incorporated and then whip for added volume. Spoon frost or use a pastry bag with this icing and top with some sugar crystals or a light dusting of brown sugar for extra flavor.

Whichever version you went with, I hope your cupcakes come out great and you have a safe and happy holiday.

Join my mailing list or keep checking back for new recipes, cocktails, authors and their books, and some of my crazy stories.

Sazerac Recipe for Mardi Gras

It’s officially February, and with 18 days left to go before Fat Tuesday and a freezing cold front moving into NJ, you know I had to give you a fantastic cocktail from New Orleans. It’s the perfect little something to make you feel warm and toasty inside and end Dry January ( For ages 21 and over. Don’t drink and drive)

There is something special about the history and charm of New Orleans and I hope you make that trip in time to see the gayety of Mardi Gras Parade floats going by. For now, let’s warm up with a nice cocktail.



  • Absinthe rinsed glass
  • 2 parts(1.5 oz.) rye whisky
  • 3 dashes Peychaud
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • Splash of sugar, simple syrup, or Sugar cube(my favorite)
  • Lemon twist

How to:

  • Start by chilling a glass with ice cubes(or sticking in the freezer for a few minutes). The end product won’t be diluted with ice.
  • Once your glass is chilled rinse it with the absinthe of your choice and discard excess(or use it to rinse a few more glasses for company). This will leave a delicious flavor on the rim of the glass as well as a hint of the taste in the beverage.
  • Add 1.5 ounces rye whisky to your chilled and rinsed glass and in a second glass muddle a sugar cube with 2 dashes angostura bitters and 3 dashes Peychaud.
  • Add the sugar solution to your glass of rye whiskey and serve with a lemon twist. It’s the perfect cocktail and if you haven’t tried one yet, you’re missing out.
  • Enjoy! Let the good times roll.

Visit our other recipes for your cocktail parties and read some of our visiting authors.

Thanks for your support!