Tag Archives: paranormal

Liquid Friday with author Claudy Conn

This week we are featuring New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal romance Claudy Conn and her Awakening  book series.

But before we venture into the series let us find out what is Claudy Conn favorite drink?

I am a Death by Chocolate woman and Chocolate Martini is definitely a nice way to go! LOL.”


  • Chocolate sauce and sugar for rim of glass
  • 2 oz (60ml) Godiva chocolate liqueur
  • 1 1/2 oz (45ml) vodka
  • Ice
  • White chocolate shavings
  • Fresh raspberries


  • Dip the rim of the martini glass in chocolate sauce.
  • Dip the chocolate rim in sugar
  • Fill a large tumbler with ice cubesmartini
  • Pour the Godiva chocolate liqueur into the glass
  • Pour in the vodka.
  • Pour all the ingredients into a shaker. Shake well
  • Pour the mix into the martini glass that you rimmed at the beginning.
  • Garnish with shaved white chocolate.
  • Add some fresh raspberries. Slide the raspberries onto half a skewer for ease of adding to the glass.

Blurb For Harley-Awakening

USA Today bestselling Harley-Awakening

Harley has everything a vampire-white witch hybrid could want: wonderful parents, a hunky sort-of boyfriend, and a clan of loving friends. When that life is taken away from her, Harley doesn’t want book1freeto serve revenge up cold. She wants to serve it up now, and she wants to serve it up HOT. And then Kian enters her life and she knows, she just knows she is in trouble because it isn’t wise to let yourself look too long at a hunk that takes your breath away when you think his heart might belong to someone else. But what can you do, when he is in your face every single time you turn around and dark magic, and werewolves keep getting you into trouble?

Blurb For Awakening-Bray

Even as children they were forces to be reckoned with, but now Stevie and Wendy McChauncey and their friend Bray are all grown up. Stevie is a Druid high priest, Wendy is a Fios with blossoming Druid powers, and Bray has come into his majority as a Royal Fae Prince.

book2And when Cain Crowton, a powerful alpha werewolf surrounded with an aura of dark magic, moves into the peaceful town of Golden, nestled in the Canadian Rockies, Wendy, Bray, and Stevie will have to use all the powers they’ve developed. For Cain is not simply a werewolf. His body and mind have been taken over by Valmod, a demon from another realm.

Valmod tasted temporary defeat at the hands of Daoine Fae Kian and his vampire-shifter hybrid mate Harley. But he’s had time to recover and to plan his comeback. And he has chosen Wendy to be the mate by his side as he takes over the Human Realm, and beyond.

Blurb For Awakening-Wendy

What would you do if you awoke and found you were wolfen?
Wendy runs. She doesn’t want to hurt her loved ones and she needs to get control of the violence inside of her.
book3She was bitten by the alpha wolf, Cain, and because she was already a supernatural, the werewolf venom has a strange and devastating effect on her.

Tracking her is her Fae Prince, Bray who is determined to save her and find a remedy for the painful condition of turning with each moon. With him are her brother and her friend Kate.
Together, they fight an evil force, Cain, who is so much more than he represented himself to be. He wants and means to infiltrate the Human Realm, town by town and insinuate himself as the leading power.

Blurb For Awakening Cain

Rescued by Wendy and Bray, Cain emerges forever altered. The elixir he was administered to save his life is changing him. He is no longer werewolf, but shifter and Fae and the Fae inside of him is fighting for dominance.

book4All he wants is to get to his pack and tell them he is alive, but when he finds out that Beckett Rheams has taken over his wolves, he becomes obsessed with saving them and Maven. Maven had shared his bed, but, did he love her? Was she the one destined to be his mate? 

That is a question that will haunt him as Tara explodes into his world.

Tara is a Daoine princess who is trying to find redemption and prove herself to her queen and her family. Cain needs help, and she decides she is the one to help him. She is sure he needs Fae training. She is sure he is too good and not ready to face a creature like Beckett Rheams, and she is sure, she is the one to help him.

However, when these two meet, worlds collide in an explosion of sensations, with Rheams and Maven hovering with their own agenda.

Now, Harley Awakening is available free for download from Amazon.  Click here to get your copy now!


Excerpt from Harley Awakening

As I looked around I couldn’t help being proud of my mom as she laughed and hugged our guests. As always I was struck by her beauty. Her long red hair blowing in the summer breeze made her easy to find amongst the crowd of our friends. Dad liked to say I was her twin. I suppose I was, except for my eyes. I got his amber eyes instead of Mom’s green ones. I teased her a lot, telling her they were ‘witchy green.’

Dad pulled her in for a kiss. I made sure they saw me put a finger in my mouth as though to gag, and they laughed. They weren’t more than twenty feet away, and life at that moment seemed beautiful and perfect.

In a human’s heartbeat, all that changed.

A minute before they came, I felt it.

My mother and I had a moment together. I knew she knew as well. We both shouted ‘Run!’ at the same time. But there was no time, none, because our clan didn’t understand. Even as they heard us tell them to run, they looked around and hesitated.

Escape was not an option. Total and gripping fear raced through my body. A threat was no longer just in the air. It had arrived, surrounded, stormed.

“Harley,” my mother screamed and ran to me. She held up a vial she had produced from her jeans pocket. “Drink this, baby—now. Hurry.”

“What? What is it?” I asked and saw something desperate in her eyes, those beautiful, witchy green eyes, and it scared the shit out of me. I knew in that moment that the worst thing ever was about to take place. “Mom?”

“Drink!” she shouted as she poured the damned stuff down my throat. I choked on the first swallow and then took the vial away from her and downed it like I was doing a shot.

I saw relief on her face.

“Baby, I didn’t know it would be so soon. I knew, but I thought we had time. I’m sorry … I hoped I was wrong. I hoped we’d have more time. Today was supposed to be your big day, a party for your birthday. I am so sorry.” Tears ran down her lovely cheeks.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my clan begin to gather, back to back. Most of them were unarmed and unfit to take on what was coming, but the scent now was all around us.

Everything happened at once. I stood helpless … like when you reach out to save someone and right in front of you they are taken.

My world was shattered in that old cliché, that blink of an eye.

They came with wicked and bloody intent … they came. I had never seen werewolves that huge, vicious, and purposeful—and it was daytime. What the hell? I stood for a moment, horrified, as I watched my beloved friends try to fight them off. These werewolves were as large as horses, each one with eyes crazed with a vicious ‘kill intent’. Blood splattered everywhere as they attacked from every direction. It was a chaos of screams, painful bellows, and victorious howls.

Some of our clan tried to scatter, some stood to fight. All were being taken down and brutally torn apart. Blood covered the grass …

The atmosphere had the stench of blood, vampire blood—my clan’s blood….

About the Author

Putting pen to paper came easy. I needed to write–I loved to write, claudythus, writing was a given. Going through the process of creating a story—putting it together into a first novel and then presenting it to the world—quite another thing. Just out of school and painfully shy (and I really still am) knocking on doors and asking someone to read my book was (for me) a death defying feat.

I loved English—Irish–Scottish history and had traveled just enough to know the ‘look and feel’ of their beautiful countries. Hence, my regencies such as “Spring Gambit”, Sunday’s Child, and “Myriah” were born. Out of my regencies came my larger and sexier historical romances, such as “Cassandra”, “Blades of Passion”, and “Fire & Desire”, most of which were published by Fawcett. Many of my other titles can be checked out when you go to the links listed below.

However, my daughter lectured me and said that I should write about myself like I write my stories—so here goes…

While I have a fanciful imagination, I am a Capricorn—‘sure and steady’, and the obvious conflict leaves me jumbled. I have a computer, yes (invaluable), but I still jot down ideas on a scrap piece of paper, or a napkin in a restaurant. My imagination follows me wherever we go and sees so much more than meets the eye, and very often my husband will ask, ‘where are you now, baby?’

My dad was the one who clicked into my brain early on, and opened my mind to a world where a girl/woman could be so much more than ‘pretty in pink’. He told me to soar, and soaring for me, was writing.

We love horses and riding and when we migrated from New York to North Carolina we brought our barn with us—and yes, I’d rather muck out a stall than clean a house! My Irish, blue-eyed husband had to have a wolf and so we brought in our little hybrid wolf pup to our home. She is ¾ wolf/ ¼ German shepherd named Cherokee. Her 3 yr. old son (Rocky) is huge and eats everything and anything he can find and weighs more than 170 pounds!

Ireland and Scotland gave us the Fae and the Druids. In Ireland you can still visit the ‘Faery Mounds’. Think of the possibilities. I have and I’d love for you to join me as I explore them. So then, come with me and let’s see where we can go…


Liquid Friday with author Aimée Marie Bejerano

This week we are featuring Christian YA author of inspirational, historical fiction and paranormal thriller/horror novels Aimée Marie Bejerano and her book Angelica: You Have Chosen Well.

But before we take upon the quest of learning about Aimee’s book, let us find out what is her favorite drink.

I’m a huge diet Coke lover. I started drinking it to help with chalky mouth DietCokefrom my medication, lol. Now, if you’re talking about an adult beverage, I don’t do social drinking or drink on a regular basis unless it’s according to

1 Timothy 5:23: “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” King James Version (KJV)

This basically means, if you have sickness in your stomach or other infirmities, to have a LITTLE wine to help. That’s precisely what I do. I have chronic digestion issues, diverticulitis and sour stomach. I also have chronic pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. So, according manishewitzto God’s word, I drink a little wine to help, not to get a buzz or to get drunk. The one wine that helps me the most, is chilled Manischewitz wine. I put a lot of ice into it, I know this sounds strange, but it’s a very sweet wine. I only need a tiny amount and just as the Bible says, it completely helps my stomach or my body.  I started drinking it probably over 10 years ago when my mother reminded me of the Bible verse and encouraged me to have a little to help. I’m thankful she did because it does help me quite a bit lol. 

So let us grab a little glass of Manishewitz wine or a Diet Coke (for those who would rather abstain for tonight, and dive right into the pages of Aimée Marie Bejerano‘s book  Angelica: You Have Chosen Well:


“There are crucial decisions Angelica must make regarding her life and purpose.”

angelica“Will she expire in a jail cell? Will she select death for the One she loves?”
“Aimee’s descriptions of the era are done so well that you will feel like you are right there with Angelica. At times I was bold with her and other times, well most of the time, I wished I was as courageous in the Lord as Angelica. Don’t miss out on this truly inspirational read, geared toward introducing a very personal relationship with Christ as well as encouraging one in their faith to stand up for him no matter what life may bring.”- Victoria Simcox

One prophetic night of birth, shakes and shapes history as we know it.

The life of a beautiful girl from Bethlehem, born that same prophetic night as Jesus, faces her final end when she is forced to decide either renounce Jesus and live or acknowledge Him and die.
Angelica was arrested and imprisoned, by Saul of Tarsus, for preaching on the narrow streets of Jerusalem. While awaiting a angelica2horrible death of stoning, she decides to write her life’s story which begins in Bethlehem when her father an inn keeper met a young couple one night. He had no room in the inn. All he had to offer them was a stable. Follow her on the journey of her life as she meets Bible characters and sees things her innocent eyes have never seen before.
Will Angelica’s life mission end in a prison cell…will she choose life or will she choose death for the One she loves?

This novel will make you walk away a believer and broken questioning the very core of your being. Are you brave enough to read it?


Jesus has already suffered the ultimate crucifixion.  Rising again causes fear in the heart of the King, jealous of any arrival of a so-called “new king”.

Jerusalem is in utter mayhem, full of soldiers and stampeding horses, a complete panic. Those who believe in Jesus are arrested, imprisoned, and put to death by Saul of Tarsus.  He zealously persecutes the church, seizing men and women, called the ‘followers’ or ‘Christians’ for causing uproar.  The uproar, telling people about Jesus Christ, the One many speak of, Who was dead and His body stolen. The Christians however, faithful to Jesus, know better.

Early one dusky morning, a man saunters down a steep, stony staircase leading into a cold, underground prison where the walls seep of water.  A wretched, lingering scent reeks of death throughout the dark, damp and brisk prison.  Its walls hold the memory of those dying and having perished inside the grey and black encumbrance.

At the end of the stairs sits a wooden chair and a small, round table where a candle, dripping of wax, remains lit.  The only light illuminates throughout the darkened prison.  The man passes by the cells, to the right and left, holding men and women, who will be put to death for their crimes.  Their only crime is to preach Jesus Christ.  angelica youThe prisoners sing songs to the Lord, while many others pray, fearfully eyeing the man who passes their cell. Thoughts prick their mind, “Am I next?”  His armor clinks and his sandals sweep across the hard, stoned floor until he finally stops at the last cell of the prison.  Disdainfully, he looks down on one prisoner.

“Woman, I have what you sent for.”  Speaking abruptly and callously, there stands the prison guard, dressed in red and gold armor. He leers at the young woman through the cell bars.  She lies on a bed of hay, her legs tucked tightly to her bosom.  Her arms are crossed as she sleeps. Struggling to keep warm, her eyes barely open, from sheer exhaustion.

The woman of fair complexion snuggles, with a head wrap. She wears an off-white gown with a colored, striped sash.  In an unlit cell, lying in a puddle of putrid water, her hair shines like the sun, in long ringlets.  Her sky blue eyes distract from the obvious dirt and grime staining her body and clothing.

About Me

Reverend Aimée Marie Bejarano is a Christian YA Author of Aimeeinspirational, historical fiction and paranormal thriller/horror novels. She’s a country girl living in the great state of Texas. Aimée’s a musician and has worked with the youth for years. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys cooking, and gardening. Her inspiration comes from the Lord and delves into good books, movies and things of the supernatural and paranormal enlightening people to what God’s word says on the controversial subjects. On cool evenings, she loves taking leisure walks. Writing is not only a calling but a means to get away into the world of imagination. Aimée is an ordained Reverend and loves the youth, personal prayer and welcomes prayer requests.
Aimée began writing at the age of 16 when home schooled. A simple creative writing assignment turned into a book.

Liquid Friday with Author Sharon BuchBinder

This week we are featuring  1st Place Winner, 2015 Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewer’s Choice Award, Historical Paranormal Romance Category Sharon BuchBinder

Let’s hear a word from the author about her favorite drink:

My favorite drink is Native Flora Rosé, Jolly Ranger, which tastes like summer in a bottle and drinks well with a deck on a Friday afternoon.

2011-JR-Bottle-Shot-600x1500Rosé, “The Jolly Rancher”, is a unique blend of Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc, with just a touch of Malbec, all grown on Native Flora estate. The three grapes are co-fermented, not blended after fermentation. As a result, the cherry and berry notes of the Pinot Noir are infused with tones of pink grapefruit and melon from the Pinot Blanc, while the Malbec lends a unique aromatic and finish. Crisp acidity and a long finish are hallmarks of this fun, near-cult status favorite.

So let us relax with a glass of this fine wine and learn more about book 2 of the Kiss of the Jinni Hunter Series:

Kiss of the Virgin Queen

No matter how far we are in the future, everything connects us to our past….

Homeland Security Special Agent Eliana Solomon is on a mission to KissOfTheVirginQueenprevent terrorist attacks. Hard enough to do when the threats are human, almost impossible when it’s an evil, shape shifting jinni. Eliana needs help so she calls the sexy and beguiling psychiatrist, Arta Shahani. However, no matter how good he is at his job, the man is on her blacklist. On their last case together, the guy left her for dead.
Arta is stunned when he receives Eliana’s call. Forced to abandon the woman he loves, he now fears she won’t accept his shape-shifting skills as a Persian Lion. Eliana, in the meantime discovers she is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba with special powers of her own. But will her skill and Arta’s be enough to defeat the jinni, or will they lose the love history decreed for them as well as their lives in this battle of good versus evil?

Book 2 in the Kiss of the Jinni Hunter Series

This full length novel is the second new Kiss of the Jinni Hunter series from Sharon Buchbinder. Edgy and suspenseful, this paranormal romance series explores diverse cultures and an array of supernatural beings. Join the Special Agents of the Anomaly Defense Division as they race to save humanity—and the people they love.

To obtain your own copy:  ARe | Amazon | B&N | Bookstrand | The Wild Rose Press


About the author:

After working in health care delivery for years, Sharon Buchbinder authorpicturebecame an association executive, a health care researcher, and an academic in higher education. She had it all–a terrific, supportive husband, an amazing son and a wonderful job. But that itch to write (some call it an obsession) kept beckoning her to “come on back” to writing fiction. Thanks to the kindness of family, friends, critique partners, and beta readers, she is published in contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and romantic suspense–as well as textbooks! When not attempting to make students, colleagues, and babies laugh, she can be found herding cats, walking her dogs, fishing, cooking, dining, and laughing with family and friends, or writing.

She is the author of SOME OTHER CHILD, a mystery, DESIRE AND DECEPTION, an erotic thriller, and OBSESSION, a paranormal romantic suspense. Follow Sharon on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.