Tag Archives: balloons

Liquid Friday on Location

We’re privileged to be at Brook Hollow Winery this evening for an author meet and greet.

I’ve got a glass of the Rose, a perfectly grilled hamburger, and my bestie Dimitri for company. He hasn’t written anything this time but my vampire book is turning pages as we listen to John Cain singing.

We’ve been waiting all year to come out for this event and we hope you can make it. Deserie Kelly’s Zodiac Shifter trilogy and a Sci-fi book will be available in limited quantities. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, why not get a signed one for yourself and a friend?

Come for a wine tasting and stay for the books!

Come joins us for music, stories, and lots of amazing reads!

I’ve heard from Dimitri himself that he will have balloons courtesy of MoonOnTheWater Entertainment so bring the kiddies.

Enjoy your Friday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

I’m going back to my Rose and the other authors. Ciao.

This may be my biggest blog yet!

All eight books in the All Tied Up In Knots Series are finally available on Amazon! here are the links:

Knot An Actress: (Formerly Violet Blooms) (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S3XYZLT/

Knot A Geek (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S6JLBCX/

Knot His Superior (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGC5M2S/

Knot A Criminal (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGHM2CH/

Knot Daddy’s Girl : Formerly: Sweet, With a Hint of Kink (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SHZ3LD3/

Knot A Photographer: Formerly: The Picture of My Heart (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGCLW8W/

Knot A Bunny: Formerly: Rope Bunny (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SGCGP2H/

Knot a Princess (All Tied Up In Knots) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FVN81Y6/

All Tied Up In Knots Series Release

I’m so excited that we, my partner in crime and I, are finally able to get some new stories out to you. Living with autoimmune illness can make shifts in weather dreadful, and this winter has been a beast. I’m waiting for my summer beach days where I can breath in the salt air or hit my favorite farm for tree ripened nectarines and a glass of homemade lemonade. In the meantime, I’ve decorated my window to the world for the next holiday and finished up this series (unless someone coaxes a sequel out of me).

Our All Tied Up In Knots series is bringing you new titles and some rereleases with bold new covers. Here is the list, you may recognize some of the works, but I have plenty of surprises in store for you. I’ll be posting the links as they become available. See below for our Perpetual Puppy, Butler’s take on things.

Knot An Actress- 1st in the series- formerly published as Violet Blooms, we’ve brought this story back with a new cover and a few changes. see if you can spot them. (Novel)

Knot A Geek- 2nd in the series- what could be more fun than a romp through a science lab? (Quick read)

Knot His Superior- 3rd in the series- I’ve heard that all is fair in love and war, but is it really? (FMF Quick read)

Knot A Criminal- 4th in the series- Balloons, Steampunk, and Kink, oh my! Holly is on the run from her past that includes a double homicide. She has no recollection of the events and wants to keep it in the past for a reason, she might just be the killer. Focusing on the future has Holly hopeful to learn pyrotechnics from a master of more than one skill. As she begins to fall for him, her past starts catching up with her. Now, she is torn between her desire for love and her fear of what she might be capable of. (Novel)

Knot Daddy’s Girl- 5th in the series- formerly: Sweet, With. Hint of Kink- Cala is a brat used to getting her own way. It’s simple, she only has to ask Daddy for something and she gets it. She’s about to find out that even the most powerful man she knows can be powerless to get her what she needs. Chef Pain is a man of principles, and no amount of money or power can intimidate him. He is a Dominant with his own power. He’s about to teach Cala, that power comes from within. (Short)

Knot a Photographer- 6th in the series- formerly: The Picture of My Heart- Julianne is an aspiring photojournalist making a living as a wedding photographer. Her muse is looking for something more and she finds it with Ann, famous artist Tadeusz Christov’s companion/model. The deeper Julianne probes, the more she discovers about Ann and Christov, until she isn’t sure what is real. The only thing she knows is what she wants, Ann. (FF short)

Knot A Bunny- 7th in the series- formerly: Rope Bunny- Candy wants nothing more than to be in Master’s Colt’s ropes. She’s new to the scene and hopes reality will one day match her fantasies, but when she meets DM Ethan Thompson she begins to wonder is she has been pining for the wrong Dom. (Short)

Knot A Princess- 8th in the series- Briar is a young mother and widow, struggling to cope with loss. No man can measure up to a hero that had given his life for his country, but that leaves Briar lonely. She bravely puts on Princess dress to entertain children at parties filled with rich snobs, so she can provide for her son. Then, this new age Cinderella gets noticed by the prince. Will this be just another gig, or happily ever after?

Butler the Perpetual Puppy has been spending his winter enjoying some well deserved snuggle time after his morning walks. Despite his ability to coerce snacks out of everyone, he is still a skinny energetic Chinese Crested powderpuff, with a very shaggy coat- the longest no shave November ever. This Spring he plans shave his winter coat, run around the dog park, and chase squirrels.