Tag Archives: Cocktails

Liquid Friday with Author Sharon BuchBinder

This week we are featuring  1st Place Winner, 2015 Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewer’s Choice Award, Historical Paranormal Romance Category Sharon BuchBinder

Let’s hear a word from the author about her favorite drink:

My favorite drink is Native Flora Rosé, Jolly Ranger, which tastes like summer in a bottle and drinks well with a deck on a Friday afternoon.

2011-JR-Bottle-Shot-600x1500Rosé, “The Jolly Rancher”, is a unique blend of Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc, with just a touch of Malbec, all grown on Native Flora estate. The three grapes are co-fermented, not blended after fermentation. As a result, the cherry and berry notes of the Pinot Noir are infused with tones of pink grapefruit and melon from the Pinot Blanc, while the Malbec lends a unique aromatic and finish. Crisp acidity and a long finish are hallmarks of this fun, near-cult status favorite.

So let us relax with a glass of this fine wine and learn more about book 2 of the Kiss of the Jinni Hunter Series:

Kiss of the Virgin Queen

No matter how far we are in the future, everything connects us to our past….

Homeland Security Special Agent Eliana Solomon is on a mission to KissOfTheVirginQueenprevent terrorist attacks. Hard enough to do when the threats are human, almost impossible when it’s an evil, shape shifting jinni. Eliana needs help so she calls the sexy and beguiling psychiatrist, Arta Shahani. However, no matter how good he is at his job, the man is on her blacklist. On their last case together, the guy left her for dead.
Arta is stunned when he receives Eliana’s call. Forced to abandon the woman he loves, he now fears she won’t accept his shape-shifting skills as a Persian Lion. Eliana, in the meantime discovers she is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba with special powers of her own. But will her skill and Arta’s be enough to defeat the jinni, or will they lose the love history decreed for them as well as their lives in this battle of good versus evil?

Book 2 in the Kiss of the Jinni Hunter Series

This full length novel is the second new Kiss of the Jinni Hunter series from Sharon Buchbinder. Edgy and suspenseful, this paranormal romance series explores diverse cultures and an array of supernatural beings. Join the Special Agents of the Anomaly Defense Division as they race to save humanity—and the people they love.

To obtain your own copy:  ARe | Amazon | B&N | Bookstrand | The Wild Rose Press


About the author:

After working in health care delivery for years, Sharon Buchbinder authorpicturebecame an association executive, a health care researcher, and an academic in higher education. She had it all–a terrific, supportive husband, an amazing son and a wonderful job. But that itch to write (some call it an obsession) kept beckoning her to “come on back” to writing fiction. Thanks to the kindness of family, friends, critique partners, and beta readers, she is published in contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and romantic suspense–as well as textbooks! When not attempting to make students, colleagues, and babies laugh, she can be found herding cats, walking her dogs, fishing, cooking, dining, and laughing with family and friends, or writing.

She is the author of SOME OTHER CHILD, a mystery, DESIRE AND DECEPTION, an erotic thriller, and OBSESSION, a paranormal romantic suspense. Follow Sharon on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Liquid friday with author Roz Lee

This week we are featuring  USA Today Best-selling Author of Contemporary Erotic Romance Roz Lee.

Her beverage of choice is wine.  Which one you say? …

Why don’t you find out yourself by joining Roz Lee and thirteen other authors for “A Day of Wine and Romance”, tomorrow Saturday April 30, 2016 at the Brook Hollow Winery, 594 NJ-94, Columbia, NJ 07832.  Admission is Free,  optional wine tasting $5.00

So grab a glass of your favorite wine in anticipation of this event, sit down and relax checking Roz Lee’s newest release:  The Backdoor Billionaire’s Bride

backdoor 2Blurb:

Ford Adams had led a charmed life, but if he doesn’t figure out how to make the equivalent of a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, and sell a boat-load of them, he and his mother might find themselves flipping burgers. Determined not to let that happen, he’ll need all the help he can get—especially from his sexy new business partner. If he can get her to take a chance on his crazy new idea, then maybe he can convince her to take a chance on him.

Becky Jean Parker’s life has been anything but what she’d imagined it would be, but she’d been content until a recent turn of events once again left her no choice. Unless she wants to wallow in bankruptcy for the rest of her life, she’ll have to go along with her new business partner’s insane plan and pray he knows what he’s talking about. The only thing crazier than Ford’s plan to sell sex toys is her attraction to him. Typical of her life, she’d had no choice but to fall for the one man she can’t have.

Click on the book links for more:

Amazon US Amazon UK –  Amazon AU –  Amazon CA –  iBooksKoboB&N

All Romance eBooks Smashwords

Interested in reading more, hold on here comes an excerpt, but before that let us drive home the concept of more wine and more authors below:



“The first-ever, lock-in-place butt plug!”

BACKDOOR_OP4Her insides turned to ice while, inexplicably, heat infused her skin. She didn’t need a mirror to know her face had turned tomato red. Her gaze automatically went to the printer dripping plastic droplets onto an ever-growing pile. Could the item really be…? She had no idea. She’d read about their use in a few steamy romance novels, but she had no firsthand knowledge of the devices.

“You can’t be serious.” Needing to steady her nerves before she went ballistic on her business partner, she reached for her wine, brought the cool glass to her lips, and drained it.

“I’m dead serious, Becks. It won’t take much to retool one of the machines to make them. We’ll keep packaging to a minimum—a plastic bag with a cardboard header. We’ll earmark the first five hundred as free samples, which you’ll send out, worldwide, to wholesale adult toy distributors. I tell you, this will work. People will buy this product.”

“Are you insane? First, this is Butte Plains. If we start making… those things”—she nodded toward the printer—“all our employees will quit. Second, I don’t know anything about the adult toy industry. I wouldn’t know where to start if—and that’s a very big if—I were to agree to your ridiculous plan and we could convince our people to produce the… things.”

“First,” he mimicked her not-quite-business-like shrieking voice, “our employees will make what we tell them to make if they want to keep their jobs. If they quit, then what is the unemployment rate in Butte Plains? Ten? Fifteen percent? We’ll replace them. Second, you’re a smart woman. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Internet. It shouldn’t take you more than a few hours to acquaint yourself with the major adult toy wholesalers.”

She barely heard what he said after he called her smart, but evidently, her subconscious had been listening. She caught up quickly. “Even if we could accomplish a miracle turnover, do people buy those things?”

“The adult toy industry is huge, Becks.”

“I wouldn’t know.” She forced her thoughts away from the cute pink vibrator she kept in her nightstand for those times when she needed release in order to remain sane. Ford might be right about sex selling, but she’d never in a million years let him in on how lonely she’d been since returning to Butte Plains. Some things a girl had to keep to herself.

“Trust me, sex sells.”

“Even if it does, what makes you think your… item will sell?”

“Mine locks in place. It’s a huge improvement over anything on the market today.” He got up and crossed to where the printer put the finishing touches on his creation. “There will be some assembly required before packaging. I’ve already contacted Scott about the locking mechanisms. He designed one a couple of years ago for a project that never went anywhere. He’s willing to let us use it for a few pennies royalty on each unit sold. He’s sending me a case of them by special messenger to try out. They’ll be here tomorrow.”

“Who’s Scott?”

“My best friend and business partner. He’s an incredible designer in his own right. Luckiest day of my life was the day we were assigned as roommates at MIT.”

“Oh.” Did Ronny know about Ford’s relationship with Scott? Maybe they had a three-way going on or something. Not my business.

Becky gathered the dirty dishes and put them in the sink. Leaning back against the counter, she gazed at her insane business partner’s back. He had one thing right—they needed to do something different, but did they have to dive ass first into the adult toy manufacturing business? Turning, she rinsed the dishes and put everything into the dishwasher. When she spun back around, Ford stood in front of the table, his new creation in his hand.

“It doesn’t look any different on the outside. The locking mechanism will be what separates it from the run-of-the-mill variety.” He flipped the item over, examining it from every angle.

“I just don’t see it working, Ford.”

“Have you ever used a butt plug?”

Heat rose to her cheeks. “No. I’ve never even seen one.”

“You through there?” He nodded toward the kitchen prep area.

“Yeah. Why?”

He set the plug on the counter. “Come on. It’s time for us to take a field trip.”

“Where are we going?” she asked, sinking into the soft leather seats of his luxury rental car.

“Don’t ask.”

“I don’t like this, Ford.” She reached for the door handle.

“Okay, okay.” Before she could bolt from the car, he cranked the engine and drove down the driveway. “There’s an adult store out on the Interstate. I saw it when I drove in from the airport.”

She knew the place—by sight only. “You can’t be serious.”

“I wish you’d quit saying that. I’m dead serious, Becks. I appreciate what you and my dad were trying to do, but the fact is we need to change course, and fast. We’re headed straight for the iceberg. If we hit it, we’re all going down. You, me, my mother, all our employees.”

He painted a grim picture, but, in truth, she’d seen the same one hanging on the wall. But there had to be another way.

“If you’ve got a better idea, this is the time to speak up.”

Damn him for being logical. “No. Sadly, I don’t have any idea at all, much less a better one.”

“Then give me the benefit of the doubt here, Becks.” He pulled into the blessedly empty parking lot and cut the engine. “There are thousands of these stores across the country. They’re springing up in malls and respectable neighborhoods, too. Many are women-owned businesses. You should like that.”

“Impressive.” Not.

“Come on. Let’s go inside.”


“Come on, Becks. Consider this your first class in Marketing to the Adult Toy Industry 101.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “What if someone sees us? What will they think?”

“I hope you do see someone you know. It will help convince you normal people are buying this stuff. As for what they’ll think… well, I suspect they’d wish they could help you with whatever it is you’re buying tonight.”

“I’m not buying anything.”

“Just wait until you see what they have to offer. You might change your mind.”

“I hate you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do.” She reached for the door handle. “I’m going to go inside, but only so I can gather enough information to point out the errors in your plan.”

Ford placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her through the aisles toward the back of the store where a flashing neon sign said Anal Play.

“It’s okay to look around, Becks.”

“I don’t want to look around.”

“Sure you do. This is the kind of place you can’t not look around. It’s like an old-time carnival—filled with oddities you’re drawn to even though you know you shouldn’t be.”

Damn. Why did he have to be right all the time? She’d already spotted several things she wouldn’t mind taking a closer look at, but Hell would freeze over before she’d admit being curious. “Let’s just do what we came to do and get out of here.”

“Sure you don’t want to look around?”


Meet the Author:

rozLeeUSA Today Bestselling Author, Roz Lee is a displaced Texan who lives in New Jersey with her husband of almost four decades, and Bud, an overly large rescue dog who demands regular romps in the woods no matter how busy his parents are.

The mom of two daughters, one a police officer and the other an economist married to a pilot, Roz collects Depression glass, and teacups with rose patterns. Her favorite food is Tex-Mex, and she’s never met a piece of chocolate she didn’t like.

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. Warning—she brakes for antique stores!


You can follow Roz Lee via to Blog, Facebook,  Twitter, Pinrest, Google, or learn more on Amazon Author Page or Goodreads.

And just in case you are still wanting for more, we have another excerpt for you:

“Ford?” Becky knocked on his open office door then stepped inside. “Got a minute?”

He put down his pencil and rocked back in his chair. “Sure. What’s up?”

He’d been working on a new design the last few days, and seemed to have lost track of routine things—like shaving and combing his hair. He looks like he just climbed out of bed.

She had no business thinking about a sleep-tumbled Ford. They had a purely professional relationship that, due to the nature of the business, included him seeing her naked ass on one occasion—but it had been a one-time occurrence, and an emergency to boot. Nothing remotely similar would happen again. Becky wouldn’t be seeing his adorable disheveled countenance across the bed, so best to quit imagining it. Besides, as soon as they put Adams Manufacturing back on an even keel, Ford would start looking for a buyer for the share of the company he controlled. He’d been clear from the beginning about his desire to go back to his life in New York, and she couldn’t blame him. Butte Plains didn’t rate a dot on most maps. The nightlife here consisted of high school football games in the fall and catching lightning bugs in the summer. The pace of life was two steps behind slow and getting slower with each passing day.

She closed the door and approached his desk. “I have good news and bad news. Which would you like first?”

“Might as well start with the bad.” He sighed and held his hand out for the paper she extended to him. “Don’t make me read it, just tell me.”

“We’re running extremely low on raw materials. If we don’t pay some of our suppliers, we’re going to have to scale back our production of the Safeguard Backdoor Locking System.”

“Bottom line?”

She named a figure that made him whistle. He dropped the paper on his desk. “And the good news?”

“We need more raw materials.”

His brows knit as he stared up at her. “Isn’t that the same as the bad news?”

“No. It’s the opposite of the bad news.” She could barely keep the smile off her face, but she loved turning the tables on Ford. “See?” She handed him another sheet of paper. As he read, his face relaxed then his lips curved upward in a tentative smile.

“Tell me this isn’t a joke.”

“No joke. I just got off the phone with the head buyer. They want fifty-thousand units as soon as we can ship them. I promised ten thousand a week for the next five weeks with a promise to fill the order faster if we could manage it.”

A giant smile split his face. “You did it, Becky Jean. You really did it!” He jumped up, rounded the desk, and threw his arms around her, lifting her off the ground with a whoop they probably heard in Dallas. She laughed right along with him.

After printing out the purchase order the buyer had emailed to her, she’d danced around her office until she’d been able to control her expression. Seeing Ford this happy filled her with joy. She laughed and hung on as he spun her around until she became dizzy.

“This calls for a celebration.” He set her down then went back to his desk. Chest puffed out, he produced a bottle and two glasses from a lower drawer. “Tennessee’s finest,” he said, removing the top.

She laughed and accepted the tumbler with a splash of amber liquid.

Ford lifted his glass in the air. “Out with the old, in with the new,” he said. “And, to the latest incarnation of Adams Manufacturing.”

They tipped their glasses together until a crystal-clear clink rang out. Becky sipped at her drink while Ford finished his in one gulp, then refilled it and downed the second helping. They were a long way from being out of the woods, but this first order did warrant a celebration. She tipped the rest of her drink back. Coughing as the liquid burned its way down, she held her glass out for a refill.

“We did it, Becky Jean.” They’d done significant damage to the bottle of Tennessee’s finest. Ford had called Scott to let him know, then drank a toast to his best friend whose locking mechanism was the true success behind the new product. Never mind it had taken Ford’s genius to marry his design with a lock with no other practical application. Several drinks later, he’d waxed poetic about Becky’s marketing skills.

If anything reeked of donkey doo-doo, his statement did. She’d named the product, slapped a bunch of them into boxes, and shipped them off to adult toy suppliers then prayed they’d see what Ford saw—the chance to make a fortune.

She still didn’t believe more orders were imminent, but Ford thought differently, and for the time being, she chose to believe him. For the first time since the reading of Mr. Adams’s will, the doom of bankruptcy seemed less certain.

“To butt-plug wearers everywhere,” she said, lifting her glass.

“Here! Here!”

Liquid Friday with author Damon Suede

Today we will feature a new recipe from Damon Suede, author of homoerotic romance.

Here is a word from Damon:

Hey y’all! Thanks so much for coming to hang out today. The drink I named for today’s post is a dirty whiskey.

Now normally I don’t go for mixed drinks. My family always taught me you should be able to see the bottom of the glass before you drink anything, but dirty whiskeys are something special.

The first dirty whiskey I ever had was made for me by Heidi Cullinan at RT in Chicago several years back. It was Saturday night and it had been a crazy-great week and we were about to cut loose at the big Harlequin party. She mixed up about a half-gallon of dirty whiskeys and the next thing I knew I was dancing an acrobatic samba with a professional ballroom dancer in the middle of about 1500 people. I met so many great friends that night. And there are pictures from that party where I’m dropped back into a bridge with my head aimed at the floor.  

The moral is: if you can’t see the bottom of the glass, make sure your friends mixed it and the dance floor is big enough to hold all the people you want to meet. 🙂

Dirty Whiskey Recipe:

  • 1 Part Bailey’s Irish creamwhiskey
  • 1 Part Irish Whiskey

Mix in a mixing cup by shaking with ice, pour through a strainer… oh yeah,  then enjoy while we look at Damon Suede’s  latest book PENT UP.


A word about   PENT UP:

Ruben Oso moves to Manhattan to start his life over as a low-rent bodyguard and stumbles into a gig in a swanky Park Avenue penthouse. What begins as executive protection turns pentuppersonal working for a debonair zillionaire who makes Ruben question everything about himself.

Watching over financial hotshot Andy Bauer puts Ruben in an impossible position. He knows zero about shady trading and his cocky boss lives barricaded in a glass tower with wall-to-wall secrets and hot-and-cold running paranoia. Can the danger be real? Is Andy for real?

What’s a bulletcatcher to do? Ruben knows his emotions are out of control even as he races to untangle a high-priced conspiracy and his crazy feelings before somebody gets dead. If his suspicions are right, Andy will pay a price neither can afford and Ruben may discover there’s no way to guard a heart.

Lets read a little excerpt taken from Chapter 5:

Ruben laced his fingers together in his lap, conscious of Andy’s splayed legs bumping against his as the car curved through the dark trees.

How could it only have been a week? Joking and bickering like this, smiling and snapping at each other, they sounded like… something else.

I like this guy way too much.

Central Park watched them through the tinted glass.

“Suit looks great, Señor Oso.” Andy coughed. “Me parece increíblemente guapo.”

Whatever that meant, it sounded positive. Ruben blinked and turned, drunk on the attention. Greedy for it. “Yeah, okay. I don’t habla español.”

Andy checked out Ruben’s shoulder, the legs, the glossy loosened tie. “Means handsome.” It came out a whisper and Andy looked away out the windows.

Uh. “Thanks.” His heart thumped blindly in his chest. Any second it would stumble and knock something breakable over and smash it to pieces. “You got good taste, Bauer.” Too fast, too fast.

Andy closed his eyes. The rhythm of the car rocked his skull against the leather upholstery. “You ought to learn, one of these days.”

“To dress?”

“Spanish. Might come in handsome.” He snorted in slow motion and looked back. “Handy. That is.”

“Sure. Right after I finish medical school and my MBA, before I start my talk show on the space station.”

Andy smiled and sighed, square jaw clamped. “It’s not that hard. Beautiful language besides. Claro.”

Clearly. He’s teaching me.

The town car veered to the left and Ruben had to grip the door to keep from being shifted against his boss’s strong legs. They passed under some kind of bridge and then slowed to a stop. They inched along in the Park’s crosstown traffic.

He could imagine himself on Andy’s terrace staring down at Central Park. He looked out the window at the passing trees: nature boxed in so a few penthouses had something to look at.

Andy rolled his head to watch Ruben watching him.

Buddies. Yeah, right.

Andy pushed himself back, shifting his weight. His hand scraped Ruben’s and… remained on the seat, separated by a millimeter or two. The light hair on his wrist brush-brushed the wisps on Ruben’s, rocked by the car’s motion.

Ruben swallowed. He wanted to slide the hand away from the delicious feathery scrape, and at the same time wondered how long Andy would leave it there. He wondered what would happen if he closed his dark square paw over Andy’s, laced their fingers and squeezed. He could imagine the way their knuckles would intersect and the exact pressure of Andy’s smooth palm against his. That skin.

Occasionally the car jostled them as it navigated potholes and pedestrians, gently rocking their shoulders, but their two hands stayed nailed to the firm, soft leather, barely touching, but touching nonetheless. That warm strip of Andy’s hand made it hard to breathe.

Why didn’t Andy move his arm back? Then again, why wouldn’t he? As the car glided under the black trees, Ruben’s whole being, all his attention, tightened around the half-inch of faint contact between their skin. Ruben imagined he could feel Andy’s pulse, then realized he was hearing his own as it jarred his skull.

If the brushing contact wasn’t an accident, removing his hand first would send a clear message. Easier to leave it there in case.

In case of what?

In case he was a queer? In case his boss was another? In case they needed to go out together to spend another fifty thousand American dollars to buy nothing in particular in a room full of strangers? The money and the man had gotten all jumbled in his head.

Maybe that was it. Ruben had gotten sucked in by all the sloppy luxury and forgotten whose it was. He wasn’t gay, just broke, sober, and lonely. Even if Andy was some kind of closeted homo, he had no interest in playing house with some middle-aged macho he’d known for a few days and rescued from a couch. Ruben had clocked the predator in him. If Andy wanted a dude, he’d lease some Calvin Klein model with a trust fund and a degree in corporate espionage.

And still, and still…. The butterfly stroke of Andy’s wrist hairs dried his mouth and pricked his eyes, and Andy had no clue. I want him.

All too suddenly, the car sliced out of the trees across Fifth, headed east.

I’ll quit in the morning.

You can find all the purchase links by clicking here.

For more of Damon Suede’s books click here.

About the Author:

Damon Suede grew up out-n-proud deep in the anus of right-wing America, and escaped as soon as it was legal. He has lived all over: DamonSuede-crop200Houston, New York, London, Prague. Along the way, he’s earned his crust as a model, a messenger, a promoter, a programmer, a sculptor, a singer, a stripper, a bookkeeper, a bartender, a techie, a teacher, a director… but writing has ever been his bread and butter. He has been happily partnered for over a decade with the most loving, handsome, shrewd, hilarious, noble man to walk this planet.

Addictions: sweetness that isn’t sentimental, wit that isn’t bitter, strength that isn’t cruel. Allergies: professional victims, half-assery, clichés. Damon is a proud member of the Romance Writers of America and served as the 2013 president for the Rainbow Romance Writers, RWA’s LGBT romance chapter.

Though new to gay romance, Damon has been writing for print, stage, and screen for two decades, which is both more and less glamorous than you might imagine. He’s won some awards, but his blessings are more numerous: his amazing friends, his demented family, his beautiful husband, his loyal fans, and his silly, stern, seductive Muse who keeps whispering in his ear, year after year.

Liquid Friday with the host Eden Freed

All right my dear friends, it looks like this is the time to feature myself.  Kind’ a  strange I did not do it before.  So here it goes:


My favorite drink is the Zombie:Zombiecocktail


  • 1 part white rum
  • 1 part golden rum
  • 1 part dark rum
  • 1 part apricot brandy
  • 1 part pineapple juice
  • 1/2 part 151-proof rum
  • 1 part lime juice

Zombie cocktail 2Mix all except 151-proof rum in a shaker with ice.  Pour into a glass and add 151-proof rum.

Simple right?  Believe me you will be a Zombie after one or two of these babies.


While enjoying this cocktail, lets talk about Violet Blooms:

A young aspiring actress, majoring in Theater Arts in her last semester of school, must overcome mediocrity and learn to take direction in time to be discovered by a talent scout VioletBloomsActingThePart1during her final performance. Her new acting coach decides to teach her direction through a non-conventional method: introduction to BDSM. Will Violet have what it takes to learn the art of role playing or will she end up on the “casting couch?”
Here are a few excerpts from our book:

From Chapter 1:
“Frankly, you frustrate me Violet. I could teach you,” he said and I felt Chase hand grip my wrist and pull it towards him. Something in his face changed from excitement to concern and he let go of me and straightened out his shirt. He sat back in his seat and blew out through pursed lips before he said, “There are rules.”

From Chapter 2:
Without even hiking my jeans and underwear back up, I sat bare assed on the cool leather couch and awaited my punishment. My lower lip was trembling with nervous anticipation. I could feel my breaths coming in short gasps keeping time with Blythe’s quick footsteps as he returned

From Chapter 4:
I loved each sub for who they were, but I wasn’t in love with them. Detaching myself from IMG_5560my subs a little made me a better master. I was more objective and able to exact obedience from them. One look at Violet pushed all of my reservation aside. I wanted to possess her completely and utterly.

From Chapter 13:
Love isn’t easy. It takes courage. There are days when you just want to walk away and call it quits because you feel as raw inside as you do outside, but you don’t go because it would hurt even more,” she said and sighed. I felt the same way. Georgette looked at me for a moment and asked, “Did you want me to make a collar for her?”


To learn more about Eden just click here.


Liquid Friday with author F. Leonora Solomon

Today we will feature a new recipe from F. Leonora Solomon. Author of Tie Me Up, A Binding Collection of Erotic Tales and over 9 more other works, Acquisitions Editor, Art Enthusiast & co-curator of http://reddit.com/r/sexysmut and a Native New Yorker, with severe wanderlust… and obviously a reader.

Here is from F. Leonora:


I love cocktails, my drink Du Jour is a gin and tonic with garnish. But for Eden’s post, I am going to focus on a beloved favorite of mine…
Amaretto sours!

Simple Amaretto Sour

  • 1½ oz. amaretto
  • ¾ -1½ oz. sweet and sour mix
  • Ice cubes
  • Orange slice, lemon wedge, or maraschino cherry for garnish

Pour the amaretto liqueur into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes.

aid522250-900px-Make-an-Amaretto-Sour-Step-11If you’re going for a 2-1 amaretto to sour mix ratio, then you’ll want 1½ of amaretto and ¾ oz. of sweet and sour mix. If you want a 1-1 ratio, then you should pour 1½ oz. of amaretto and 1½ of sweet and sour mix. The sour mix is really a combination of water, sugar, and lemon juice. For an extra kick, you can even make your own. Fresh lemons instead of the pre-made stuff can really take this drink to the next level.

Strain or pour into an old-fashioned glass, garnish with a maraschino cherry and a slice of orange, and serve.

I love amaretto–even as a coffee flavor. I like the liquor on its own, and inside of egg nog for the holidays. This very sweet cocktail is perfect. Sweet and tart, sour. A man I know told me that having an amaretto sour, is like going fast forward with dessert as your drink.

And what is wrong with that?

I love sweet cocktails, I cringe when I have bitter ones. I have a sweet tooth all the time, and this sweet drink hits the spot, especially with several maraschino cherries. Yes, I believe in the cherry on top!!!

I wrote a story about a character who loved amaretto sours. Her date was judgmental, so he did not last long. But she still had a hot night!!!

“You can’t be serious,” he said, his eyes moving below her cameo.

Taking a sip of her amaretto sour, she dipped her finger in the glass to pull out a cocktail-soaked cherry.

“Are you?”

He scoffed.

“You want the same thing I want. You want me to fuck the sweetness out of you…”

Kit wanted to slap him, but she did not want to create a scene in Prohibition. She figured she would have a nice drink with Thom, who she had been chatting with online and who was as into the retro lifestyle as she was. But from the moment he judged her drink, she was done.

He continued to talk about the filthy things she wanted him to do to her. She was not turned on in the least, discreetly ogling the gorgeous bartender who had put two more cherries in her drink. Jackson was on his nametag. She also smiled as Josephine’s nametag came into view, while she plucked at the cherries she had saved for last at the bottom of her drink.

“Would you like another honey?” Josephine asked.

Thom answered before Kit could.

“No, she wants a real drink this time. Give her a–”

“Yes, I would like another amaretto sour,” Kit added. “with extra cherries.”

“Are you serious? I have kind of had it with the sweet and innocent act Kitty–”

The second she heard Kitty, she snapped. Schoolgirl taunts about Hello Kitty were resurrected.

She got up.

“Where are you going Kitty?”

Thom’s voice grew distant as she walked into the bathroom, and sat in one of the plush pink lounge chairs. The door opened behind her, and she was afraid he had followed her in.

“Are you okay Kitty?”

Kit looked at Josephine who had followed her.

“It’s Kit. No one calls me Kitty.”

Josephine nodded and walked out. She returned holding an amaretto sour with a pyramid of cherries inside, presented on a Prohibition branded lace doily.

“He’s still out there, chatting up tonight’s hopeful conquest.”

Kit sipped the very sweet amaretto sour, letting her tongue swirl around the cherry pyramid.

“You are way too pretty for him anyway!”

Kit laughed, caressing her cotton candy pink stockinged leg.

“Thank you, it’s nice when us girls stick together!”

“Yeah, it is!”

Josephine was sexy in suspenders, a buttoned-up shirt, tailored pants and bowtie.

“How late are you working tonight?” she asked Josephine looking in the mirror to see her reflection.

“Why are you gonna wait for me?”


You can read the entire story here:


You may also want to check out F. Leonora’s Collections of Erotic Tales:  Tie Me Up

B is for bondage in BDSM, and Tie Me Up is the perfect place to tie me upexplore just that.

The 19 stories in this anthology do not fetishize bondage. Instead, Tie Me Up shows how couples explore it as a sexy romantic option–sexy underscored!

New and seasoned authors fill this anthology with steamy tales that will keep you tied up…unable to put this collection down!


Or her Baseball Erotica: Bases Loaded

Bases are loaded and there’s potential for multiple homeruns in this basessexy collection of Baseball erotica!

Bases Loaded compiles twelve seriously sexy short stories that will have you rooting for the happy ending, even if you are not a baseball fan like the editor.

All of the authors in this anthology have a unique take on the game and the hit players, which is guaranteed to make you want to go up to bat!

So go ahead, you’re up and the bases are loaded!

You can always drop by and visit my website  for some cool blogs (F. Leonora Solomon was named Sex Blogger of the month by kinkly.com)  or connect with me on Twitter (@fdotleonora).

I am so happy that Eden invited me over to talk drinks!!! Bottoms up!!!

LIQUID FRIDAY with Stacy McWilliams

Today we will feature a new recipe from YA, Horror and Romance  Author Stacy McWilliams . We’ll call it “Dirty Sex on the Beach.”

“My favorite cocktail recipe is Vodka, Peach Schnapps, a splash of Malibu,  orange juice, cranberry juice and crushed ice. It’s very yummy. LOL.”

While indulging in this on the aforementioned cocktail, let’s read a blurb from her first release, Candlelight (An Ember Saga Novella).

“Life was full of nothing but darkness for Nathan Stevenson until Jasmine appeared in his life. She brought his innermost desires to the surface. She burned her way through to his heart to become embedded in his soul. He knew she was dangerous but would she break down his wall as he dreamed of her touch and fought against the impulse to protect her?Would their love be enough to defeat his demons? Was he strong enough to resist her or would her light burn irrevocably?”

Candlelight excerpt:

Wanna go back and get shitfaced?” he asked. “Hell fucking yeah I do…” We blew the candle out, covered it with the rocks and walked towards the edge of the cave. candlelightLooking out we could still see James on the path and I turned to Joe, “it would be so easy to push him off here and make it look like an accident.” “Haha, yeah it would, but knowing that fucker, he’d probably survive and grass you up…” “Yeah you’re probably right… Joe, thanks.” “For what mate?” “Listening.” “Aww are we turning into mortal girls now? Next you wanna braid my hair and go see the backstreet boys?” “Who the fuck are they?” “A boyband my sister likes.” “Burnt Ashes are more my speed but thanks.” “Eh, I haven’t heard of them, who the fuck are they?” “They’re a rock band. The lead singer has some set of pipes on him and the guitarist is shit hot. You should check them out on YouTube.” “Sometimes I wonder about you…” I shook my head in despair, “Is the coast clear?” “Yeah, I think so, we should probably head back quietly though, just incase that assholes hovering about.”

Candlelight was my first release and is about a demon battling against his humanity which surfaces after a dream about a random girl. He dreams of this girl constantly until one day she arrives on his doorstep. It’s dark, edgy and has funny and romantic moments.


candlelight 2

And the blurb for Luminosity is

“Jasmine Johnstone’s life was relatively normal until she was forced to live with the Stevenson family. As she stayed she found she had no choice but to battle mythical creatures. Strengths she never knew she possessed began to surface, surprising those around her. Her only chance of surviving the rising tide of evil was Nathan Stevenson. Could she really trust him as he fought against his love for her? With the world against them and time running out, would their love be enough to defeat demons?”

luminosityLuminosity is the novel told from the female leads point of view. It’s dark, romantic and at times sweet. It’s also a little scary and sometimes, so I’ve been told, you want to scream at the book and at times throttle Nathan.

Luminosity excerpt:

“Come on Jas, you need to wake up,” he purred seductively. His breath tickled my ear and I groaned as my eyes fought to open. “Come on baby, that’s it. Open your eyes for me.”  I froze unsure I heard him right, Nathan just called me baby.  I opened my eyes slowly and my senses returned. I shivered and Nathan wrapped me his arms rubbing my arms and holding me to his chest. I turned slightly in his arms and his face was a mixture of confusion and something else.  “Thank you,” I managed to croak out. My heart thundered in chest as he turned me towards him and leaned down towards me. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered before leaning in and kissing me gently on the lips. He then pulled back and kissed me on the forehead, “I’m not sure what I would have done if I had lost you.” He pulled me close for a moment and kissed the top of my head. He paused there for a moment then pulled back and stood up. He smiled down at me, still sitting there stunned.

luminosity 2

About me:

StacyI am a mum of two boys, a student nurse and I’m happily married. I love writing and reading and have a million ideas that I want to get out. You can contact me via email: authorstacemcwilliams@gmail.com

Via Facebook


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Candlelight will be free every Saturday from the 19th of March until the 2nd of April and Luminosity will be at a special rate of 99c until Sunday the 3rd of April.


Stacy xx

Liquid Friday 03/04/16

Welcome to Liquid Friday. We have included a drink featured in Violet Blooms for ADULTS 21 and over- please, drink responsibly.









A bit about Violet:

I think what makes our character Violet most approachable are her imperfections.  She’s coping with real world problems in a very human way.  It gives her a vulnerability that is so irresistible and charming that it’s easy for us to go along the journey with her.
