New covers for the Tales of the Zodiac Shifters series

We fell in love with this series with the first book. It has taken some time for the next two installments of the series to come in, but while you wait for book four- here are the new covers. Enjoy! I think they look every bit the porcelain like goddesses they portray. If you haven’t picked up the series yet, follow the links.

Book 1

Time of the Silver Dragon

Time of the Silver Dragon: Tales of the Zodiac Shifters – Book 1

Book 2

No Time for Immortality

No Time for Immortality: Tales of the Zodiac Shifters – Book 2

Book 3

No Time for Regrets

No Time for Regrets: Tales of the Zodiac Shifters – Book 3

A limited number of books are available with the older covers, visit for more information

We never have a Liquid Friday without a drink of some kind.

Outside of green tea which she drinks all day, Deserie is fond of 3 parts black tea (Assam is you have it- though any black tea works fine) and 1 part Passionfruit juice. No tapioca balls or sugar required- just serve over ice and enjoy.

We hope you try our mocktail and get some good reads in this week.

Have a great weekend!

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