Tag Archives: Wilde Temptation: A Candlewood Falls Novel


Hello my friends, today we will welcome back K.M. Fawcett, author of Small Town Wilde Romance Book Series and will focus on Wilde Christmas: A Candlewood Falls Novel; book 2 in the series. But first let us kick back and relax with her favorite drink, which as you will find out soon is super appropriate for this season.

Here is a word from K.M. Fawcett:

Thank you for inviting me to the blog today!

I’m happy share one of my favorite drinks during the winter months and especially around the holidays—spiked peppermint hot chocolate. I love this drink so much that it made its way into my holiday small-town romantic suspense, Wilde Christmas. Bed and breakfast owner Lacey Wilde makes this for wounded warrior Dean Hunter while wrapping gifts together in her kitchen during a pivotal scene in the book. Wilde Christmas is free until the end of the year. Enjoy the story while sipping on a delicious spiked peppermint hot chocolate!


2 cups milk (skim, 2%, or whole)
4 oz bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 oz peppermint schnapps
1 oz cream de cacao (optional)
whipped cream (for serving)
candy canes (for serving)


1) Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.
2) While milk is heating, microwave chopped chocolate for 30 seconds. Remove chocolate and stir. Repeat microwaving and stirring the chocolate until it’s just melted. 
3) When the milk reaches the scalding point (180ºF with bubbles on the side), turn off the heat and add the melted chocolate, whisking to combine.
4) Serve hot chocolate in glasses fortified with a jigger (1.5 oz) peppermint schnapps or peppermint schnapps and creme de cacao. (I used 1 oz of each)
5) Top with whipped cream and crushed candy cane pieces on top. Add a candy cane to stir.


K.M. Fawcett

Now that we got our drink, let’s dive into the books.

Wilde Christmas

As Lacey Wilde works to open her bed-and-breakfast in time for Christmas, she meets Marine veteran Dean Hunter — who claims her adopted military working dog is his! Can Dean and K-9 Remi protect Lacey from a mysterious threat? A suspenseful small-town romance to warm up the holidays.

And here is some more info about our wonderful guest K.M. Fawcett:

Whether her romances are set in a charmingly quirky small town or on a dangerous alien planet, award-winning author K.M. Fawcett writes emotional stories featuring underdogs and fish-out-of-water characters who find their place in the universe. She believes in happy endings, that humor is food for the soul, and that if true love can’t conquer it, then it probably deserves a good throat punch.

K.M. and her husband—the inspiration for all her heroes (and some of her villains)—own a dojo in NJ, where they teach Okinawan karate and weapons. Incorporating two decades of martial arts experience into her stories, she forges resilient, timeless characters who aren’t afraid to fight for the life and love they deserve.

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