Tag Archives: apocalyptic

Liquid Friday with Declan Conner, author of A Climate Change and AI Doomsday trilogy

Hello my friends, today we will meet Declan Conner, author of three awesome books (among others he has written):

Oh, did I mentioned it is a Trilogy… Oh well! Don’t let me get ahead of myself. First we need to pick a drink for this fine evening. So let’s ask Declan if he has any suggestions.

Declan: “Here’s an unusual drink that I discovered in my youth that has a sweet and sour velvety texture. The name of the drink is aptly named Black Velvet. For some reason, it is also called a Snakebite. Concocted to mark the death of Queen Victoria, that historical fact has somehow been lost. The drink is made up of half stout (Guinness) and half champagne, but it is more common the substitute the champagne with cider. it’s usually served in a pint glass so it’s not usually a ladies choice. For the ladies, it could be shared in half pint glasses.”

Now that we got our drink, lets dive into the books.

The entire trilogy is set in the USA, after a climate change drought spanning thirty years has all but destroyed the population. With the constitution long dead and the states fragmented, the ruthless president presides over what is left of the Union, its citizens living in domed citadels.

The only other survivors live off the grid in the wastelands, clinging onto life. This is the story of one such survivor, Jack Cole, whose family is taken by the Denverines as breeding stock for the citadel of Denver, and his lethal journey begins in an effort to rescue them.

This will not be his only challenge. In a world where you can trust no one, death is around every corner and your own worst enemy can be your own psyche. Dragged into a power struggle, he finds himself defending the Union against The Protectorate of Texas, run by AI technology with a conscious agenda. If he fails, humanity will be lost forever in favor of Artificial Intelligence computer algorithms and robotic machines.

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And here is some more info about our featured guest author and connoisseur of “Black Velvet” cocktail Declan Conner:

Declan lives something of a nomadic life, traveling between Brazil, Portugal, and the UK. Over the last 12 years, he’s published 14 books, mostly thrillers. Besides authoring, he also has a passion for music and his guitar is never far away for the times when writer’s block rears its head. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen too often. More recently he has taken to writing speculative fiction as thrillers set in a future on Earth, fascinated from “what if” scenarios, when considering current disasters, AI, and climate change, and what that could mean for the individuals psyche, not to mention society if taken to extremes.

You can check him out also right here on WordPress at : https://declanconner.wordpress.com/